We are excited to introduce you to The Evolved Network Way, a dialogue and discussion based practice that offer spaces to dialogue around dilemmas; their possibilities and consequences in our interactions and care for young people.
  • Chef Sebastian White
    M.A. Clinical Psychology,
    founder The Evolved Network, NFP
  • Dr. Todd DuBose
    internationally renowned professor

The Evolved Network Way was designed to highlight the analogies and experiential genius of the farm to table process. In doing so, there are all sorts of possibilities and opportunities for exploration, connecting, understanding, and evaluating how we choose to be with our kids, students, campers, interns, etc. Our modules are inclusive, open, and are designed to pull the rug out from under you by challenging our presumptions, assumptions, biases, and perspectives in our engagements with our kids.

This process may be challenging and create vulnerability, but in doing so may also liberate and deconstruct how our child care professionals engage in their relationships with young people and the co-constitution of lived meanings in those relational interactions.

© 2024 Sebastian White and Dr. Todd Dubose, PhD
Incorporate The Evolved Network Way in your day to day
This experience will be transformative and open the door for new possibilites.
Schedule your staff's experience to engage with one or multiple TEN Way module(s) here:
carefully attending to a nurturing atomosphere for growth
Question: Why care? How do you care?
learning to heed lived meaning
Question: In learning to "see" what is intangible, we have to see with our hearts. Can you "see" what is invisible in any situation?
The Little Prince: "It is only the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
resources, choices of ingredients, and discerning what fits
Question: What is difficult about choosing?
MARINATING/BRAZING patience, appreciating each ingredient; the merger of flavors
Question: The paradox of the love and/or fear of life: FOMO (the fear of missing out on something). What do you not want to miss out on, not want others to miss out on, yet in being afraid of this happening, do we run past what "is" right in front of us?
letting the caramelization happen
Question: Does a dragonfly know ice? Zhuangzi, 3rd Century Taoist Sage. Everything is incomparable. The dragonfly will never know ice nor vice versa, but both have their beauty. Similarly, which is better, an apple or a banana? Both are fruit, but both are different, not better or worse. Can you spot the incomparable in the similar? Can you let the uniqueness come to the forefront in the sautéing?
grease fire! addressing emergencies
Question: What is your most feared emergency? Can you see what could emerge in spite of the imminent danger? Is a calm response possible in an emergency?
other care; giving without receipt
Question: What is the relationship between sacrifice and self-preservation?
life review, both backwards and forwards
Question: Can we be compassionate about what we have done that we regret? How does this create a space for others?
a time to feast
Question: What makes it difficult to celebrate?
accountability, responsibility, appreciation, and renewal
Question: What is difficult about taking accountability and/or being responsible? Does this give us a window in to better understanding others' difficulties?
taking it to the world;
The World as our Kitchen
Question: What makes it hard to complete something and start something new, to "put something down, and pick something else up"?
© 2024 Sebastian White and Dr. Todd Dubose, PhD