Keifer Sykes is a seven-year professional basketball playerwho just made his NBA debut with the Indiana Pacers. Hailing from Marshall High School, Keifer is the subject of the award-winning 2018 documentary CHI-TOWN. He stood out playing college ball at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, and has played internationally in South Korea, Italy, Turkey and Greece. Keifer started 11 games for the Pacers this season and appeared in 32 games total. He scored a career-high 22 points in Madison Square Garden against the New York Knicks, and put up double-digit scoring in nine separate games this year. His Free 10 Foundation offers year-round donation events at key times like back to school, Thanksgiving and Christmas. These activities and events provide enrichment for the children and families, as well as necessary items like school supplies, winter clothing and hot meals. Keifer recognized a need in his own community and created the Free 10 Foundation as a means to help, empower and motivate those affected by gun violence and the carceral system. |
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